CLUSTER TECHNICAL SERVICES WLL, KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN | Oil & Gas Special Services such as External and Internal Valve Leak Sealing, Tank Design, Automation, Valve Services, Hot tapping and line stopping, Bolt Torquing & Tensioning, NDT services etc
NDT is a wide group analysis technique used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a materials, component or system without causing/harm any damage to the parent materials. In association with METMECH India, we can provide the complete range of NDT services to meet the specific requirements of its clients. We have qualified NDT technician as well as ASNT Level II and Level III inspectors who can reach your site to solve respective issues / problems irrespective of geographical locations. We are providing advance technologies such as:
• Digital/Computed Radiography
• Close Proximity Radiography
• X Ray Radiography
• Conventional Radiography
• Ultrasonic Inspectionv • PMI Inspection
• Magnetic Particle Inspection
• Heat Treatment by Digital Recorders
• Coating Thickness Measurement